Friday, July 22, 2005

Mainstream Pre-School

Since last week, BJ has been going to a mainstream, integrated childcare centre, 3X a week. He went happily the first week. In the second week, he decided not to go.... But obliged on the third day.

And he kena spelling test on his third day. I could not believe it. Maybe that's why he didn't want to go to "school", but happily prepared himself for his afternoon school at Autism Resource Centre. Gee I wish I could read his mind to find out what he is thinking, esp with regards to handling new situation. Sometimes, as a mum, I worry whether he can fend for himself in the "real world". But I have to say that God has been good to us -- and His love shows through people surrounding BJ.

Of course we hope that he will be successful in all areas.... And we pray that God will grant us this wish.


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