Monday, September 12, 2005


How do you teach a ASD kid about the concept of missing someone? "Missing" is an abstract concept, I think.

BJ has managed to get a glimpse of that concept. By papa going to Hong Kong, and by kakak leaving us for good, he expresses himself verbally by saying that he misses them.

I am totally amazed. Tonight, after failed attempt to call kakak on the phone, he requested to draw. H drew a sad face with huge tear drops, with kakak in the aeroplane. Wow, that's powerful. I felt.

"Missing someone" would only make sense when you love.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor 13: 13


At 1:54 AM, Blogger ShutterBug said...

Amazing learning skills. Kids have a way of expressing themselves and he has a talent in art by his way of drawing as an expression.

Wow! Allen's in HKG now?

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Daffodil said...

Allen is back now. He had a good time in HKG.

Someone also commented that BJ's drawing is nice. He is inclined more to abstract art, I think.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger naniecheng said...

BJ is very expressive. I thought that a common behavioural trend in autism is that the person is not inclined to show emotions?

BJ seems very expressive about what he feels...

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Daffodil said...

Autistic people are very inclined to tantrums because they cannot express themselves well (verbally).

BJ is more expressive now, and still has problems reading people's emotions. He tends to "over"read them -- so I will have to teach him that "loud voice" does not always mean that someone is "angry", but it could mean other things as well.


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