Saturday, July 24, 2004

Mummy I want you

What a sweet sentence, "mummy I want you". Without tantrums. From my ASD child, who appears to experience separation anxiety whenever I send him to school.

The story began not too long ago, just in case i suffer from temporary amnesia. I must confess I still go around looking at other children, and lament that my child is not on par with his peers' language norm. But when he asserted himself and told him that he wanted me to follow him to class (by saying "mummy, come on. Follow me), and was refused by me and the teacher, and blurted, "but mummy, I want you", my world melted. What is underneath my iceberg was joy beyond all expressions.

Hmmm.... I wish i could pull him out of school that day, and gave a huge ice-cream treat.... But I told him that I understood that he may be sad to see me go, but I will come back to fetch him later. Of course I gave him that biggest hug that I could offer.

My BJ, my pooh bear, my handsome prince, you are the best. I celebrate with you in your verbal achievement. Love and kisses, mummy


At 1:19 PM, Blogger naniecheng said...

Aw...this is so touching.

Personally I have seen much improvement in BJ's communication (esp with me lah, considering the fact that he bo chap me in the past). Now he does initiate eye contact with me and he smiles at me and he even tries talking to me. He does not turn away when I try to play with him. I'm very encouraged to see him opening up. Go BJ Go!

At 1:20 PM, Blogger naniecheng said...

BTW, pls use an easier font colour to read for your blog... I think pale yellow would go very well against your background.

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Daffodil said...

thanks much. I a new kid on the blog so I need lots of guidance.


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